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Glenn M

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Posts posted by Glenn M

  1. Done.

    Well intentioned but this survey brings in way too many assumptions and show far more lack of understanding of climate than one would hope for a college research paper. An uneducated politically correct professor will probably give you an A, but it's looking like I'd give you an F. I hope you gain a deeper understanding of climate before submission. 

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  2. 13 hours ago, skierinvermont said:

    This is just taking a stupid fatalistic view to justify trashing the planet today. I for one don't want to live or have my children live on a planet with all the ecological stress and loss of biodiversity that took 100s of millions of years to evolve. Which is what climate change is already doing to the planet today. I enjoy skiing and the new england lobster industry which also supports a lot of families economically. Just two tiny examples of the many many things threatened by climate change.


    You know what? Let's just pave over it and turn the whole planet into a parking lot, full of traffic and landfills and smog. The bugs will survive so when we inevitably die off, they can repopulate the planet. Sounds great.

    Would you mind showing me where I said we should go ahead and trash the planet? Thats right - I didn't.  The problem with people bringing politics and nonsense into a discussion is they make up crap to push their agenda. 

    The simple fact is that Earth *will* be fine. The stuff she's been through in her history has been phenomenal and amazing. For human's, it boils down to habitability for humans (which is where your sole focus appears to be). *MY* point is there is a 100% chance that sooner or later Earth will either slip back into the ice phase of the current ice age we're in, or it will fully leave the ice age and get very hot here, much much hotter than the people who focus on anthropological climate change have even imagined. 

    In the former - large swaths of land will become covered in ice and become uninhabitable. In the later, with a 75F average global temp - we will see extreme high temps in excess of 120F, well above the capability of humans to cope, again making much of Earth uninhabitable. For 98% of Earth's history - she is either in full ice age or full heat mode. She cares not one iota if humans can live here or not. 

    Human's only chance at avoiding the above would be to figure out a way to control climate on a massive planet wide basis to maintain our current Goldilocks zone that we've been in for the past 12,000 years. A zone that, again, is maybe about 2% of the total time of Earth's history. I haven't done the math on that percent so it might even be much smaller, like less than .05%. The point being - the current climate humans are enjoying is not the norm and is not going to last much longer without massive scientific break throughs in controlling climate (which I doubt we'll achieve). 

    Should we be cleaner in our energy use? Yes. Not because of climate change but simply because it gives us cleaner air and water and healthier lives. But if we think its going to stop the climate from changing to a more normal state for Earth, we're delusional. 


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  3. 7 hours ago, WinterWxLuvr said:

    Pretty sure the planet will be ok.  Maybe not humans, but the planet will roll right on.

    ^^^ This.  100% true. The only thing that will kill the Earth will be when the Sun expands and swallows it - in about 1 billion years.  Until then she'll recover from anything thrown her way given enough time. 


    Humans on the other hand will likely be long gone as we cant handle all the extremes that Earth will go through.

  4. While I support her recommendation for farming, I dont believe it will ultimately help change the course of Earth's climate. Earth will either re-enter the ice phase of the current ice age we're in (we're in the interglacial period now), or it will fully exit the ice age and return to its natural normal Earth average hot temps of around 75F - 17F higher than todays Earth average.  Whether that happens within the next 100 years, or 5,000 years remains to be seen but either one will occur with a 100% guarantee.  Unless humans can figure out how to force Earth to stay in interglacial conditions - something Earth probably only spends about 1% to 2% of her time in. 

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