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Vicious Fluid

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Posts posted by Vicious Fluid

  1. Didn't reply due to lack of sleep and subsequent playtime in the snow with my kiddo, however...

    My area (Gwinnett County, NNE Atlanta Metro Area) ended up with some decent snow after the back end of the storm passed by. Ended up with 3-ish inches, more in some areas. That's way more than any of us expect out here, so for us its a win! Premo sledding/snowball conditions for me and my boy :D

    Snow didn't even melt till today. We got lucky this time around (usually I have to just watch everyone else cash out!).



  2. 0430 - Finally! We're at 32 here at the hospital, seeing our first dusting on the sidewalks. Precip is still intermittent between snow/ice/zr, but when it snows, it sticks. If the trend continues, I can look forward to slush on the way home, and hopefully pure snow when I take my son out to play post-work-nap!

    0600: Winds have picked up tremendously. We're seeing 40mph gusts here and the precip has mostly stopped for now. Temps are below 32 but they feel way lower due to the wind. Some ice and snow has refrozen into straight ice on the grass, but I can only see a small amount since we don't have alot of that around here. Shift ends at 0700 so I'm very curious to see what the rest of the area looks like!

  3. Definitely seeing some fat flakes here in Cumming! Intermittent rain/sleet is mixing in, but it’s mostly snow.

    Not much sticking yet, but feels much colder than earlier and there’s definitely some ice/slush on the ground.

    Luckily they salted the roads around the hospital, and most the EMS crews are driving safe. I work in the ER, so they’ve been giving us all updates when they drop off/pickup patients. No MVA’s yet, so the roads must not be too terrible (round here at least). The drive home in the morning will be telling!

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  4. Nothin but mixed sleet and rain in Cumming, GA at the moment. Temp at 39 and dropping, winds are hitting pretty hard. I'm at the local hospital for a 7p-7a shift so I get to hopefully watch the snow changeover in the early AM. Best believe I'm keepin a sharp eye on it! 


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  5. Professional lurker here with the utmost appreciation for all you fine folks who know way more than me.

    The tiniest difference in temps will determine if I get very cold and wet on my way to work on Sat, or if i need to be prepared to pack an overnight (well, over-day) bag. The hospital I work at is 35-40 min out, and it's all back roads. Rather be safe than sorry... Crossing my fingers that we get a fraction of an inch of snow rather than ice! North GA can be a bit unpredictable with what kind of precip falls, so usually i pay close attention to ground temps. 

    Someone may have mentioned this earlier, but does anyone here happen to have ground temp insights before/after the storm? I work nights and am always weary about ice, especially since GA drivers can barely drive in rain, lest winter weather. Snow or cold rain are fine. But icy roads = big problems in this area. 

    Please delete if this belongs in banter. And thank you guys for being, well, generally pretty "cool". (See what I did there?) :lol:

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