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Everything posted by CNY-WXFREAK

  1. I made sure I slept, F that cause I usually end up missing out cause I'm usually too tired to watch and enjoy the event, cause of sleeplessness and tracking, not this time cheers to all and heres to an awesome event all !
  2. Contact a Mod and ask to change it, thats how I did it once!
  3. go to your profile page and try that but you may have to get a hold of Admin for that.
  4. This is actually true LE thats developing right before a sweet event, all gravy baby!
  5. I think KBGM is in the sweet spot for this one as well as Ithaca so good luck down there!
  6. Thats not true as it depends on the size of the event. A stacked LP all the way up to H500 over NYC will affect CNY with no problem, unless I'm not following you.
  7. I'll take a sub 990mb SLP over NEPA that heads right over SNE then turns the corner up the coast of ME!
  8. Not at all, as were practically saturated already, and H700 moisture already streaming in from the W and WSW so shouldn't be a problem.
  9. 18hrs till start time, if that and still a spread like that??
  10. Not gonna happen for 3 straight hrs but I do think we see blizzard conditions periodically here and there! Hope the Dome has comfortable chairs for ppl to sleep on, lol!
  11. I'm having a hard time accepting the 1-3" forecasted for tomorrow then 8-12" tomorrow night, I think we see more during the day tomorrow.
  12. Doesn't need falling snow however: A blizzard is a severe snowstorm characterized by strong sustained winds of at least 35 mph (56 km/h) and lasting for a prolonged period of time—typically three hours or more. A ground blizzard is a weathercondition where snow is not falling but loose snow on the ground is lifted and blown by strong winds.
  13. Will there be Blizzard conditions at times, sure , but it won't verify if they upgrade so no need. Its not easy to achieve, seriously as the weather has to be 1/4 mil vis with S+ with 35mph sustained winds for 3 straight hrs, not gonna happen, lol, do you think I don't wanna see one? Last one I was in was 96'
  14. They should of left their map alone from yesterday as it looked great but NO, lets confuse the hell out of everyone for 6 hrs only 12 hrs later to be right back where they began, SAD!
  15. 992mb over NY then it jumps so it could be chasing convection
  16. Their all pretty good except the NAM, just kidding! GFS FV3 NAM CMC ICON Here you go Tim!
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