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Everything posted by CNY-WXFREAK

  1. My favorite of all time and may never get eclipsed! Lived in Jersey City and we got crushed, true true Blizzard conditions occurred from the previous afternoon throughout the night into the next day! Mom was in Patterson in the Hospital and when we left her, it was 2:30 and it took us 3.5hrs to gt home, a ride which usually only takes 45-1hr but not that day, when we got home 6" had already fallen and I knew we were gettin that night, lol! Right entrance region aiding in the development of the snow this early into the event, 2PM start, lol!!
  2. I would think Glens Falls stays all snow for the duration so I think your good but others can chime in!
  3. Head to Amsterdam, an awesome hamlet about 16 miles west of KALB as there gonna get smashed for sure!
  4. Earlier start, later end spells trouble and the Niagara enscarpment is in really great shape already so goof for them as they may lose a bit of precip with main system so a nice recovery for them!
  5. If there's one thing to not worry about in CNY are the roads! I have to say they do a fantastic job keeping the main drags open and clear except if its coming down at 2-3"/hr as thats a different story!
  6. I thought it was tonight, my bad, then they should get out just fine!
  7. One last gander at 06Z EUROPEAN 991MB over NYC wooo hooo!
  8. Reflective Composite out of KBUF shows the intense up-glide/lift Isentropic lift ramping up now as the llvl jet gets going out of S-SE and with a E-NE surface flow from an Arctic HP in Ottawa Province pretty much encompassing the whole SLP, WOW, just awesome to see in real time! Most weather terms are made up, lol!
  9. All models have initialized to cold with conditions at the surface and the system ticked NW again so KALB is seriously now in the cross hairs of screwing with IP/SN but I doubt any ZR but it may cut down on totals!
  10. Alls Im sayin is, whoever goes to tonights game in the Dome, bring a comfortable sleeping bag cause your NOT getting home, lol!
  11. In all my yrs of tracking, Ive never seen a model catch on the way it did and didn't shuffle at all, just incredible!
  12. The FV3 literally took every other model out there to school! Finally after almost giving me a coronary last Wed nights 00Z the NAM is finally in the cone, lol! WE all got NAMMED, lol! The FV3 beat the livin crap out the EURO for sure!
  13. When all is said and done, the models had the right idea a week ago and were steadfast since!
  14. Look at KBUF's composite, its gonna ramp up very fast indeed and last for hrs and hrs!
  15. It'll be snowing in KBUF by 8AM, KROC by 930 anf finally Cuse by 11 so afternoon start time is late, IMO, but we'll see!
  16. We have a H850 ket starting to ramp up now from the South right from the GOMEX!!
  17. Nothing like a freah batch of Arxtic Air for a SLP to attack, lol!
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