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Posts posted by Normandy

  1. Disagree that it has tightened up despite the pressure being lower.  The below recon pattern shows a highly broad windfield, with many wind maxima far away from the actual center.  Not sure this is the structure for deepening.  EDIT:  Seems per radar and recon fix it has the structure of a broad gyre with a tighter center orbiting around.  It could explain some of the strange motion between fixes.



  2. The above post is exactly what I am looking at too.  We are going to believe this storm, in its current state, is going to slide over this island and immediately start deepening?  What would be the outcome if it is still in the same state it is now after going through Hispanola?  Interested to hear a pro mets thoughts.

  3. For me its really simple.  I enjoy severe weather and enjoy watching it and following it.  There are two ways to watch severe weather:  Satellite and radar imagery, and in situ documentation via video.  The latter requires severe weather to interact with human beings and their belongings (Hurricanes must hit land to become youtube viral videos.  Tornadoes must form and plow through things to become youtube viral videos).  Now if you ONLY enjoy the former, then the morality argument holds weight.  But I know for sure nobody here is just here for the satellite eyecandy alone....we like to see the power in real life (and if you say you don't, well I simply don't believe you).

    We are all pigs in the mud here.   That is why the morality debate to me is pointless.  You can apply this same line of thinking to watching football, MMA, boxing, bullfighting, etc.

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  4. Its an interesting question..."Do I want to see people's lives ruined".  If you ask me that on its face, then the answer is no.  But I do want to see a hurricane hit land so I can see videos like:


    on a fundamental level, that is a video of people's lives getting ruined.....and I enjoy watching it.  If you say you don't.....I would say you are being disingenuous.  So I posit the question back to you:  Do you want to see people's lives ruined?


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  5. 5 hours ago, jbenedet said:

    The guidance consensus is pretty damn boring on how Earl is just ejected ENE. I believe there’s too much certainty being placed in this. If you dig into the modeling a bit you can reveal this facade though. The individual members of the GEFS does just that.  I mean, ots, sure *eventually*. That’s the forecast right now. But I’m seeing a storm that’s weaker than expected this hour, a fujiwara interaction off the mid Atlantic coast and a Greenland block potentially building over top before Earl is kicked east. If just one of these 3 elements breaks in favor of less progressive, Earl is not disappearing in the next 5 days.

    A weaker storm does raise the odds that the fujiwara acts less of a kick and more of a phase, so there’s that. It also mitigates risk of Earl finding a subtle ridge break before the block builds over top. 

    Putting impact affects aside, I believe Earl is gonna be kicking around in our region of the Atlantic a lot longer than these op runs are illustrating. Maybe it means little in the end, but at least something to monitor with interest.

    Great post.  I had the same thoughts but could never have spoken them like a pro.

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