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Colonel Badger

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Posts posted by Colonel Badger

  1. 8 hours ago, PhineasC said:

    I will be trying a "liquid pool cover." Anyone every tried one of those? My pool setup won't work with a solar cover really.

    Yeah tried it back before we got a heat exchanger pool heater. Can’t say it really did anything. My buddy next door got a solar cover and all it really managed to do was help him grow algae and it drove him nuts having to take it off/put it on all the time. Go with a heater if you want a warm pool in this climate. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    Yeah agreed...

    NASA was founded by/for a set of virtues after the mid century space race only made it look like that was happening - but that was a farce and facade that masked one of the three real faces of the Cold War.  Those being, nuclear stock-piling, the Cuban Missile Crises, and the Afghan conflict with the Soviets ( which led inexorably to the Taliban if one knows their world history...) 

    For a few decades, it was then operated by principled idea of space/science exploration .. slowly eroding ... pretty much no longer exists. They've arrived to a scenario where circumstances ( less economic appropriations ) means they either severely limit the operation down to irrelevancy ... or, partner with privatization - enters Elan Musk.  ....and in 40 ..50, 60 years ( if perhaps optimistic...) we can work it out so that these seeds grow a reality that really is like "Ellysium"'s orbiting ring-world of utopia for the wealthiest ...and the other 99% lives below with half the life expectancy on a diet of dead cats and sewer water on a planet that roasts in GW and the stench of countless extinct species... Oh, and these rat "landers" are still conned into voting for Trumps -

    Speculation is so much fun ...

    Real space science is now lost on Americans and probably the rest of western civility ...a latter distinction that is blurred anyway. Industry is dumbing-down mankind, pacifying the species  with easier access to living, lost urgency ... a confederacy of idiots. 

    It's what happens...  Lost humility in desperate times leads to positive inventions, both social and physical, because there is need to make life better for all, utilizing both ... Society succeeds in doing so, life gets easier... apathy takes over across successive generations... and sloth and decay take over once again.

    It's happened in every civility since the beginning of... Cyclic -  ... 

    Now this may seem heavy-handed with moral this and that, but, ...I don't like the privatization of cutting edge technology - that usually doesn't end well for the provincials ;)


    What !?!!!!!!

  3. 4 hours ago, mahk_webstah said:

    What is this active pattern that Scott was talking about? With no weekends system do we have any action coming?

    Is it just me, or did the Euro take a step back towards that weekend system on the 12z run ?

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  4. 50 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Yeah .. strangely enough this one doesn’t bother me at all. Nothing to protect . Just hope the 24th system can whiten things up 


    What 24th system ? Euro got rid of it in the 00z run and the GFS never had it.

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