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Posts posted by Misstertwister

  1. I’m battling a couple of sick kids that need to go down for bed. Looks like most the bad stuff is south and east of us in Edmond/Deer Creek for the night. Opinion on here from the professionals to put the kids to bed and tuck in for the night? I know the watch is until 3AM but exhausted from all the activity today and taking care of the sick kids 

  2. Hey all. I come on here for weather updates. I am learning how to read analogs. However, I’ve got a business trip coming up in New Orleans and ill be driving in from East Texas Wednesday and arriving in NO Wednesday afternoon. Is this more of an AL/MS event or Louisiana/NO also?


    ill obviously be watching the SPc next few days but does travel and stay in NO look alright for Wednesday?

  3. This just goes to show how hard it is to forecast these severe storms. The SPC does a great job for the most part highlighting the risk area but OKC metro was under a very low risk of tornadoes today. I know these weren’t classic tornadoes in terms of funnels but more or less QLCS spin ups and a lot of people don’t understand just how dangerous and life threatening they are because it’s not a traditional tornadoes. 


    And to add there were fatalities in a hotel proably from people traveling and had no clue about the weather in the area. 

  4. 19 minutes ago, pen_artist said:

    SPC was on the mark today with this threat. Kudos to them. Although we just became aware of a threat like this only around 24 hours ago they did a good job. The only thing ofc would be the issuance of the PDS watch in Central OK

    Let’s not step over dollars to pick up dimes

  5. 13 minutes ago, pen_artist said:

    SPC was on the mark today with this threat. Kudos to them. Although we just became aware of a threat like this only around 24 hours ago they did a good job. The only thing ofc would be the issuance of the PDS watch in Central OK

    Let’s not step over dollars to pick up dimes

  6. 9 minutes ago, weatherextreme said:

    Definitely not over



    Given the lack of large scale forcing for pressure rises and the strong low-level jet the front will have a hard time making anything more than very slow progress, even with the support of outflow.


    This leaves all areas south of the boundary in an exceptionally favorable environment for tornadoes into tonight. We still believe considerable severe weather is yet to come and areas in the warm sector should remain vigilant.

    Where’s the boundary? Me thinks NW OK?edmond area is north of the boundary. It’s fricking cold out when I took my dogs for a walk in Deer creek

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