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Posts posted by evaporativecooler

  1. On 7/14/2018 at 11:07 AM, anotherman said:

    Too early?


    Winter is already here though, just not at our latitude. Insolation is declining every day and snowcover is at most a couple of weeks away from beginning it's inexorable advance south from Ellesmere Island and other birthing places in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. If anything it's too late, and June 21st would've been more appropriate. 

    Disregarding speculation about this year's ENSO, we have some interesting signs across the board in the Atlantic domain, which has all but flipped from last year with strong trades and persistant + NAO. Would be interesting to see how analogs work out. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Sophisticated Skeptic said:


    It is difficult when so much legitimate data is being kept/hid/restricted from the public the last several years.   Especially when an amateur makes an alarming discovery....they then decide to restrict / moderate data before it's officially released.

    oh yea, and when will NASA update us on the cloud top lowering trends...?  i'm guessing never.   Since most are now experiencing 0 vis fog / whiteout conditions during severe storms.  

    no big deal..no need to let public know the truth.

    I work in this field, it's not that hidden. Here are some helpful links:

    Sea Ice Thickness, freeboard, + lots of extras if you know how to plot netCDF




    Good general reference:


    Arctic weather forecasts:


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