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Posts posted by NaoPos

  1. Although the death toll will undoubtedly rise, I find the report of "hundreds of casualties" really hard to believe. I mean, we haven't had a 100+ fatality tornado in decades, and that was during the pre-tornado siren days.

    true. however, never say never. If there ever was a day...

    Infastrucutre issues from earlier storms had knocken out sirens, noaa wx radio broadcasts.... Tv mets were mentioning to actually pick up the phone and call because of some of these issues.

    a major tornado ( possiblly EF-4 to EF-5) in tusculoosa and around birmingham, which are highly populated cities. Not saying its gonna happen or happened. Just in my line of work, ( firefighter) , never say never. There's always a precedent to be surpassed no matter how much technology, traiining and warnings you have.

    But like you said, let's see where these casualties end up. Im praying for less, but it seems like the numbers always rise, even if just a bit.

    Nice work today with the posting today. im sure you've had your hands full.

  2. These storms aren't even safe to chase... if you don't watch your back, you're liable to have another twister spin up behind you. Everybody should just hunker down in the basement for the rest of the day until this threat has passed.

    with infrastructure damage, spotters are a valueable tool in giving out warnings and alerting local townships/cities... they're pro's out there, stay safe. (extremely dangerous situation though)

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