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Peter M

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Posts posted by Peter M

  1. The positive feed backs are kicking in far quicker then was thought- the IPCC said an 'ice free arctic' by '2060' and now some are saying 2020, or even before that.

    Methane bubbling up with this level of warming thus far is disconcerting to say the least- but we will have to see the actual amount before making judgment.

    At the AGU week before last Jim Hansen said climate sensitivity has been greater then even predicted 4 years ago. C02 will likely reach the yearly high in mid spring- near 397ppm- but this is in the pipeline- and will not be seen for perhaps 15-20 years. What we are seeing now is the effects of 360-365ppm- from the early 1990's. Its a matter of conjecture what happens when we see today's C02 level.

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