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Posts posted by Jet-Phase

  1. Hi Haz

    I like you go way back to the very beginning....while I know his biases and he has many. He still gives you his thoughts and reasoning....not just a feeling and not model regurgitation like so many. I don't need a met to read me the model I can do that myself! What I do like is a met to explain to me what is NOT in the model. Not sure he is pushing the big dog as much as he can see a way to the big dog. I always understand that so no skin off my back to have him do that. Plus his long range pattern recognition is as good as it gets. So is it worth the $$ for me to get his insights.....absolutely!! Plus his Weather Bell models and others like Joe D make it a tremendous value IMHO.

    Is he right all the time....hell no....but who is?

    Enjoy the weather.....ah you remember the rest!

    take care


    I Couldn't have said it better myself.

  2. JB calls for snowpocalypse with every storm so eventually he was bound to hit one.

    And yes, LC is amazing! Calls it as he sees it and 'usually' he sees it correctly.

    I can't agree.  I've watched JB explain his reasoning on potential storms threats for years and he's been more right than wrong especially when it comes to the more significant ones.  I'd rather follow someone who sticks to reason and analogs and uses models to help fine tune rather than the model waffling mets that I see on TV and read on different forums and change amounts with every run. 

  3. I have to give JB kudos for putting out his forecast on snow amounts on this past blizzard last Sunday and pretty much nailed it from DC to Boston without the usual model waffling that most mets I see do (and did for this one).  He stuck with his ideas and explained why he thought the models were incorrect and would trend north.


    Larry Cosgrave is another met that I really respect too.     

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