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Posts posted by k***

  1. Heres my best shot at running some stats off the NCDC stats page. Any of you guys that are better with statistics than I am please feel free to correct me if I have made an error somewhere

    ok here are the numbers using the NCDC storm event pages stats. I used Jan 1st to June 30th as my sample dates.

    Of the years we have seen landfalling tropical storms and hurricanes in NC we saw 8 years since 1984. Those years are

    1984- Diana

    1996- Bertha/Fran


    1999- Dennis/Floyd





    In those 8 years we had a total of 232 tornadoes with an avg of 29 a year.

    In the other 18 years of no tropical landfalls we have a total of 174 tornadoes and an avg of only 9.6 a year. This number is thrown off by 2 of those years that saw high tornado counts in 1989 with 24 and 2009 with 31. So those 2 years account for 55 out of the 174 total. 2009 only had 8 named tropical systems all year as well.

    4 out of the 8 years with tropical landfalls had years with 30+ plus tornadoes.

    IMO there seems to be a pattern of more tropical activity in general for NC when we have an active spring with lots of tornadoes.

    That's not the greatest sample size but some interesting statistics nonetheless. Seems like the similar patterns (incoming troughs) produce tornadoes and NC landfalls. Years with big ridging likewise would not be great for tornado outbreaks and would suppress TC tracks to the south and into FL/GOM.

  2. Probably almost impossible for a passenger to know whether or not they are over a tornado while flying commercially (I assume planes can fly over these storms without turbulence as long as they stay at maximum altitude)but I wonder what it looks like above these storms and if pilots have the technology available to know whether or not they are flying over a tornado. Just a different aspect.

    Airplanes steer around severe storms. Some today had 55k tops...way higher than commercial airliners fly.

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