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Posts posted by ri_lurker1314

  1. 26 minutes ago, Brian5671 said:

    I don't think CT has much for putting in AC.  The solar people however are ruthless with their door to door thing--I think there's a rebate for that however.

    Solar has a 30% Federal Income Tax Credit that is useable/can be rolled over through 2035 I believe (and then would get extended along with the program itself assuming it gets another life in some capacity). Additionally, states (in my case RI) offered rebates up to $5k off the top. Overall, about a 7 year ROI if you get a good market rate on the project - and that's just the breakeven on the electricity. The panels themselves have lifespans well beyond that, so it can certainly raise the home value in and of itself (nice to sell a several thousand dollar benefit to a prospective buyer).

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