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Posts posted by loudmog

  1. 18 minutes ago, Moderately Unstable said:

    Thanks guys, appreciate the words of encouragement/inclusion. Wasn't trying to go emo there, just have been feeling rather self conscious haha. Sometimes I overanalyze things... like when I say something on here and then no one posts for 30-40 minutes I go "is that because I just stopped the conversation or because no one has anything to say right now". Not specifically this thread, just on the site in general. Happened when I was talking in tropical about Iota and internally I was screaming, even though most likely there just wasn't any update to add for awhile. You know how you feel when you go from being the one who knows a lot about something (most on here when talking to other people irl off forum) to someone who is very much NOT at the top of the knowledge tree and your peers can blow your skills to shreds? It's like that, kinda like going from HS to college. Makes me much more reserved. 

    To be fair I posted my introduction in this thread and got a single wiener reaction. So I feel that.


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