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Posts posted by speedlimit340

  1. Hi,

    I am new here, this is my first post it may be my last idk. I have been thru many hurricanes tropical storms etc and I have always wondered what it would take to stop a storm from getting stronger and moving over land. I saw the idea of nukes and that was pretty much shot down because nobody really knows what a nuke would do to a hurricane and with some of the answers from people out there if any of them were true about making the storm radio active or stronger then it is now then that is a good enough reason to let that sleep. but what about shock waves or sonic booms? u know when the shuttle came back each time from space it shook the house i was in many miles away pretty strong too . I am a common sense thinking person (most of the time) so what can anyone tell me about the effect of 100s of sonic booms inside a hurricane,in the eye over the top or even inside the bad areas if that's possible? just like the nukes I don't believe any such test or experiment has ever been attempted , right? so maybe someone with lots of knowledge on sonic booms or sound waves can chime in here and give us some honest input. OK so a jet can break the sound barrier rather easy so when it does do that it splits the air in half it has a wave in front of it like a boat and this wave is aimed in a downward path. so what could 100s of these do to the structure of a storm if it was first and foremost safe to try and then done to learn if it could do anything to weaken or stop the storm from reaching any land and doing its destructive $$ damage? If this has been tried or anyone with enough knowledge about that could maybe give what u know info would be appreciated please keep any Godzilla ,monster X answers to yourself, i may be completely upside-down here too but how am I gonna learn if I don't ask? thanks for taking the time to read this my return here about this will be determined by the responses I get back ...   !!!   :raining:  :twister:  :sun:

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