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Posts posted by Martytdx

  1. 21 minutes ago, smokeybandit said:

    Easier to clean up crap that's in one place than scouring the island for it.  Do you want to clean up a pile of leaves that's in one pile, or rake the yard first?

    When you have hundreds of houses that are no longer fit for habitation (and thousands of people all wanting their houses rebuilt), that time, money and effort adds up when you have to rake the leaves first.

    That's the unspoken (mostly) problem with disasters like this - the amount of trash that needs to be disposed of. Clean up creates a TREMENDOUS amount of garbage that has to do somewhere, and often in places without adequate facilities to deal with it. Not to mention the massive amount of garbage that gets pulled back into the sea to be spread out throughout the region. 

    And think about it: they're going to be pulling nails and other hazards out of those beaches for years, especially those shallow bays. 

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