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Posts posted by crypt88

  1. 3 hours ago, Lady Di said:

    Fields out here are looking like swamps!  How much more rain can the ground stand? Hope we really do get a drier weather pattern before planting season.

    That's because it is a swamp this year, most of SJ to be fair is swamp area... The rain is off the charts and I don't see this pattern ending any time soon. Most storms end in rain and this will be no different...

  2. 14 hours ago, Voyager said:


    Up here, the ground is still frozen pretty good and most garden areas are under at least some patchy areas of snow.


    Seriously, warm and wet over all has been the theme. Patchy snow in SJ, not a chance.. Expecting some snow this week,

    but it will predominantly be rain til next weekend..

  3. 16 hours ago, KamuSnow said:

    Those were actually Furrawn's comments, all I will say is that this winter has been... different. Probably wouldn't have noticed it as much at ground level if I didn't track it, other than we've been less than average in snowfall so far, and I've been wearing a jacket since October. I'm ready for spring, but it's still February and I'm hoping for more snow during the next month, since Spring weather is not realistic (at any sustained level) during that time.

    Sorry about that Kamusnow.. Holding out, but little in the way of snow will ease this winter of discontent..

  4. Winter continues to disappoint. The more they predict snow the more they are wrong like this weekend. Two day forecast a major challenge. I see more rain and rain again, until spring, which is right around the corner. I have not seen a single storm of any significance this year be just snow. Just saying.. A few, but they were basically dustings..

  5. It appears that this winter was mostly hype and did not deliver

    as advertised. The long range models have been really bad and have since

    changed to inaccurate forecasts beyond a 4 day period. Feb. here on east coast

    was forecast to be brutally cold and it has been anything but that. The long range models 

    should have been flipped from West coast to East coast and it would have been much more telling to what has actually

    happened this winter. I think the ground hog had the best forecast thus far for the winter

    spring outlook of 2019. Back to the drawing board for these long range models, which rarely 

    seem to be right..



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