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Posts posted by Guest

  1. Looks like it may have finally stopped raining at STL.  I have the calendar day amount -- which begins at 1 am at this time of year -- at 8.64" and a 2 day total of 9.07".  I think that's correct but someone correct me if it's wrong.
    Riverboat business will be booming.

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  2. 96 tied the record
    Gorgeous, I bet. Just such a lovely state. Do a bi- annual trip up to harbor springs and a number of trips to Boyne in winter. Good scenery, good food, good folk. Even on a day like today guessing those areas enjoyed a much more comfortable temp. Good chatting with you.

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  3. It seems I hit pay dirt with my question.
    You mean exposed yourself for not knowing how to engage casually in a topical forum on weather. I'll get the convo back on topic. How were the temps over in Michigan (beautiful state) today? Really wasn't too much banter on that today.

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  4. Right which banned poster are you?
    Just a gag my friend. Just some good old ribbing over temperatures on a great summer day.And no one should ever be banned. And I never was as I look to engage peridically and have fun. The defensive posture is a bummer. Get out and enjoy summer. It's a beautiful world. Oh, and the chafing between my butt cheeks screamed 100!

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  5. https://apnews.com/article/pandemics-india-united-states-coronavirus-pandemic-asia-3b5adbaf2a94f95b31664efe83807e80
    Here’s an article from one of the most objective sources in media about how serious the pandemic is in India. If you consider the Associated Press radical leftist stuff, I don’t know what to tell you.
    Those who would say AP is not objective news reporting is akin to calling Brian Williams a liar. Crazy .

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  6. Prediction: this thread will be going 10 years from now as the Czeck variant sweeps the world causing people to shit themselves non stop proving those that hoarded toilet paper in year one of the virus were ahead of the curve.

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  7. Did a group chat of idiots decide to invade this thread today, Hoosier do us all a favor and ban all of them. No one wants these ****ing idiots around.
    Comrade, on this we agree.

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  8. I hope they are trolling.
    I've been a member of these forums and passionate about weather for a long time and have appreciated the different perspectives shared here. This is the last thread still open discussing the pandemic.
    For the most part it's remained focused on facts and reliable sources of information.  It still has these weird weekly invasions from people spreading obvious misinformation.  It's a symptom of a major problem in this country. Facts do not matter in these discussions,  people don't care about facts it has become like a religion where it's a matter of faith and beliefs rather than scientific method.
    I could point to facts and data from both the clinical trials and the real world data from Isreal to demonstrate why it's important for people of all ages to be vaccinated.  I could link to the facts on risks and benefits of the vaccine vs risks of the virus.  It's just not worth the time because it's become this weird counter culture clash against "elites" and "mainstream media" where the random guy on Facebook is more reputable than the scientists who have devoted their life to become experts. It's just dumb. 
    "Elites" "Random Guy" "Mainstream Media" "Scientists" "Experts" "Dumb". I like it.

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  9. Hey [mention=14681]Guest[/mention], do us all a favor and kindly **** off. 
    Impressive. You'd be quite persuasive in a topic debate. Oddly, I am not touting an opinion here but rather stating the position of some of the posters in this forum. Anyway, my counter to your f##k off reply is...vulgarity normally implies ignorance. Either way, welcomed your input.

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  10. What the f*ck happened here...
    If these lunatics were trolls then I wouldn't mind because they are just here to fill their sad emotional void by making other people angry but I think they fully believe what they are posting. 
    He is trolling. And you bit. Does anybody really wander into these waters intent to disagree? Speaking of filling emotional voids...how does someone posting from Hawaii find this random rona thread on a weather board?

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  11. Why is Joseph Goebbels being discussed on a weather forum lol
    It's not a weather forum. The topic is Coronavirus. The response was to misinformation being spread regarding the virus and the vaccine. If you can't connect the dots between misinformation and the german propaganda ministry your rounded up first.

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  12. We are in the age of misinformation :banned:
    We have always been in an age of misinformation. It's called propaganda and was mastered by Joeseph Goebel's in 1930's Germany. And the other aspect was to ban any dissenting voices. It's a bit newer to America, however. Whatever, your views on the virus or anything else we should all be hoping to find truth and expose those that seek to mislead with lies to achieve an agenda and seek to shut down debate on a dissenting viewpoint.

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